Public Employees Retirement System

About Us

We are a group health insurance plan specifically designed for Oregon PERS retirees and their eligible family members.

Mission Statement/Core Values

The PERS Health Insurance Program (PHIP) provides PERS retirees with benefits that provide high quality, comprehensive coverage (or benefits) at the most cost effective rates possible that will also meet retirees’ benefit needs.

Our core values are:

  • Maintain stability of premiums
  • Maintain stability of coverage
  • Maintain stability of carriers


History of PERS Health Insurance Program (PHIP)

PERS has been a sponsor of retiree health plans since the late 1950s. Health insurance was a new concept at the time, and PERS offered a simple hospital indemnity plan which paid for hospitalization at about $15 a day. Over the next 20 years the benefits were improved and a basic plan was added to cover out-of-hospital expenses. The cost of the plans has been fully paid by participants from the day one… read more

Advisory Committee

The PERS Health Insurance Program (PHIP) Advisory Committee provides information and advice to PHIP as well as providing a forum for feedback and an opportunity for interaction on matters concerning PHIP… read more

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

If you have a question about PHIP that is not clearly answered within the content of this website, contact PHIP via email or by calling PHIP Customer Service… read more

Did You Know?

100 is a great number

PHIP has 80 members 100 years of age or older.